
Baking with Dorie, Mini Chocolate Bundt Cakes

It's that time again! Time for another recipe from Dorie Greenspan's book, Baking from My Home to Yours. This recipe was chosen by therookiebaker. You can find the recipe on her site or on page 188-189 of the book.

Well, as you can see I didn't use a mini bundt cake pan. I thought I was going too. One of my friends said she had one I could borrow. SCORE! She looked for it and couldn't find it, and figures she must have sold it at a garage sale. BUMMER.

It's one of those pans you usually don't use that often, so I decided not to buy one and used my cupcake pan. It worked perfectly. The recipe makes 6 mini bundts... mine made about 8 cupcakes.

It just so happens we were celebrating my mother-in-law's birthday so this cake recipe was perfect timing! It was a hit! My favorite part was the swirl inside made from pecans, cocoa, and sugar. Oh my. And lets not forget all the chocolate...actually, ALOT of chocolate!!!!

 I had read quite a bit about the glaze for this recipe not working well, so I used Alton Brown's recipe. {I used just half of the recipe.}

I really enjoyed baking these....and eating them! In my opinion, another "winner" for Dorie!


  1. Laurie, these look great as cupcakes. I think it is your superior glaze. Yum.

    I want to share that I use my mini bundts, all the time. Instead of big cakes, often, I turn them into the minis and they are well received.

    If you ever do get them, trust me, you will find reasons to use them.

    I don't think you missed anything though by making cupcakes. They are great.

  2. I wish I had made the swirl, but if I wanted my kids to try them... NO NUTS is their mantra. the cakes look wonderful and the glaze, beautiful! thanks for including the link, as I definitely want to try that out next time.

  3. I had made these in the past, they are perfect especially with a hot cup of tea.

  4. I was trying to comment earlier but something happened to my connection. Happy birthday to your MIL! I went the cupcake route as well but didn't try the swirl, now I wish I had. Your glaze looks gorgeous!

  5. That glaze looks fantastic! I just bookmarked Alton's recipe...definitely want to try that soon! I agree that the swirl was one of my favorite parts. Thanks for baking with me!

  6. Yup, you did not miss anything by making cupcakes rather than mini bundts. In fact, I now wish I had used cupcake pans instead of mini bundts as I had issues with them!! So glad you like this cake!! your cupcakes look great!
