
Swedish Drommar Cookies...12 weeks of Christmas

One of my favorite childhood memories is going to my Grandma and Grandpa's house for Christmas. Grandma loved to bake and I could hardly wait for the big meal Christmas Eve.

First grandpa would read Luke Chapter 2 while the potatoes and lutefisk boiled. This is my favorite verse, "For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord." When he was done, we would sing some hymns, then Grandma would call us to the table with her "ceramic lady" dinner bell.

Such precious memories!

I FOR SURE didn't like the lutefisk, but I did love the lefsa! There would be a mound of it on a big plate, served with melted butter and cranberries.

But the BEST part was when grandma wheeled in the dessert cart loaded with baked goodies! My favorites were the rolled out trees and stars, piles of crisp fattigmon, and the melt in your mouth Drommar coconut cookies!

Drommar cookies are actually known as a Swedish Dream cookie. I didn't know that until much later when I wanted to make them myself. It surprised me, as my grandparents were both Norwegian, and also spoke Norwegian. I just assumed the cookies were a recipe from Norway. She often called them princess gems,too. In fact, the recipe card I have says princess gems.

For years I have wanted to make these, but could never find the bakers ammonia anywhere.

 Bakers ammonia is also known as harstshorn. It's an old leavening that was used before baking powder. My grandma used to buy it at the drugstore. You have to use bakers ammonia or you won't get the same crunchy, extremely tender texture and taste. When the cookies bake, the smell of the ammonia is a bit strong, but it goes away quickly...and you are left with some DELICIOUS cookes!

I finally found some at a kitchen specialty store! I was SO excited!

They are just like I remembered.


I'm going to go eat another one!

  This is week 12 of the 12 Weeks of Christmas blog hop. Kinda sad it's over....I really enjoyed it! Thanks to Meal Planning Magic for hosting this fun hop.

Drommar, Swedish Dreams, Princess Gems

1 c. Crisco
1/2 c. butter
1 1/2 c. sugar
1 tsp. vanilla
2 tsp. bakers ammonia
1 c. shredded coconut
2 1/2 c. flour

Cream the Crisco, butter, and sugar. Dissolve the ammonia in the vanilla and add to the creamed mixture. Stir in the flour and coconut. Shape into walnut sized balls and bake on an ungreased cookie sheet for 20 minutes at 350.


  1. They sound wonderful, worth the search for the secret ingredient.

  2. I'm kinda sad it's over too. I know my kids will miss having new cookies every week. What great memories you have of your grandmother. The cookie sounds wonderful. Congratulations on winning my giveaway.

  3. The cookies look delicious! My grandmother was Norwegian too. It's funny what we remember. I loved the rosettes she used to make. Deep fried and sprinkled with powdered sugar! There's a reason why these goodies are only made once a year ;)

  4. I'm also your newest follower!
