
Mondays with Mom..custard cups

I went to a Christian Day school when I was young, which just happened to be less than a block away from our house. That meant that I could run home everyday for lunch. I loved that! No school lunches or brown  bags for mom would make whatever I wanted for lunch!

When the clock turned 12, and everyone else was headed downstairs to the lunchroom, I ran out the door and down the street. I  hopped over the neighbors hedge into our yard, swung open the back door and ran into the kitchen. Mom was usually by the stove, getting lunch on the table for the two of us. She would turn around with a warm smile on her face.( And yes, she was wearing her checkered apron!)

It was a great day if she made chili on toast....that was my favorite! She made a thick chili and poured it onto toast triangles. Sounds strange, I know, but it tasted wonderful. 

It was also a great day if she made custard cups. I loved the creamy, sweet treat and would scrape the bowl clean with my spoon. As we ate, she would ask me about the morning at school. Before I knew it, it was time to head back out the door...and all I had to do was run across the street.

The playground was across the street from our house, and the kids were already outside for recess playing our favorite games...kickball or softball. Sometimes mom would watch us play from the kitchen window.

Those were fun days, and what wonderful memories. I hope you enjoy the custard cups as much as I do!

Custard Cups
1 egg
1 c. milk
1 tsp. vanilla
3 Tbsp.brown sugar
1/8 tsp. nutmeg

Mix the egg, milk, vanilla, and brown sugar. Pour into two custard cups, sprinkle with nutmeg and bake at 350 for 30 to 35 minutes until a knife comes out clean. 

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  1. Those sound like wonderful childhood days, Laurie! I've never heard of chili on toast, but I can see that a kid would love it. The custard cups look yummy.

  2. What a wonderful memory to have of your mother! My grandma always made custard cups. These look so good!!
