
Orange Creamsicle Summer Fruit Dip...pinned it and tried it

Pinned it, tried it, and loved it!!

Brent said two thumbs up for this one, but then his favorite food it Cool whip. He has to have it on every dessert, and he makes a bee line to every salad made with it!

This dip was very light and refreshing, the orange juice gave it a nice flavor, complimenting the fruits well. It does remind me of a orange creamcicle, just like Shannon described it

Orange Creamsicle Summer Fruit Dip


  1. It sounds great for a summer fruit dip, yum!

  2. Yum! We will have to give it a try. I thought my hubby was the cool-whip king! lol..

  3. I have got to try this out......sounds delicious.
    Thanks for sharing.
    diane @ thoughts and shots
