
Log Cabin Rhubarb Pie

Oh, how I LOVE rhubarb!
My parents had a big patch when I was growing up and my Mom was always making sauces or cakes or pies every summer. In fact, our rhubarb won many blue ribbons at the county fair! Wish I could have that patch now. But luckily I have a few friends that have some and are willing to share with me.

This summer, I decided to try a new pie recipe, as the name sounded fun..."Log Cabin Rhubarb Pie." I also liked the streusel sounded so good. 

So...I made it for a friend who came for lunch one day. I have to say at first I was disappointed, as it didn't seem to set very well. I baked it longer than called for,too. It's a good thing I always put foil around the top of my crust, or it would have burned for sure. Another thing I always do is to use a clear glass pie pan. That way I can tell how the bottom is doing, to make sure its done, or not getting TOO well done either. Finally after about 45 minutes to an hour, I thought it looked just right.

I let it cool well before slicing into it, but it was still not set as well as I would like. It was just a bit juicy. I topped it with some real whipped cream, and we dug in for our first bite.

 It was delicious! 

The crust was perfect, and the topping gave each bite a nice caramel flavor. We loved it, and decided that maybe next time I make it to add a bit more flour than the 1 Tbsp. called for... that would probably help it set up better...but honestly, we liked it just the way it was,too!

As much as I like my mom's rhubarb pie recipe, I have to say this one was right up there in flavor. I'll be making this next summer too, if I can snag some more rhubarb from a friend!

Log Cabin Rhubarb Pie

2 c. rhubarb, cut in pieces
1 egg
1 c. sugar
1 Tbsp. flour ( I'm going to try to add another Tbsp. next time I make it)
1 unbaked pie crust

1/2 c. brown sugar
2 Tbsp. flour
2 Tbsp. butter

Combine the egg,flour and sugar, stir in the rhubarb and pour into an unbaked pie crust. Mix the brown sugar, flour and butter until crumbly and sprinkle on top. Bake at 375 30-45 minutes until rhubarb is tender,and topping is lightly browned.

Pie crust (makes 2 single or 1 double crust pie)

2 c. flour
1/4 tsp. salt
2/3 c. cold butter
4-5 Tbsp. water

Combine the flour and salt in a bowl. Cut in the butter with a pastry blender until coarse crumbs. Add water just until moistened. Shape into a ball and divide in half. Wrap one in plastic and freeze. Roll the other one out into 12" circle and place in pie plate. Trim edges. Fill and bake.

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  1. This sounds really good, Laurie! My mom used to make rhubarb desserts a lot too. I just wish I could find it in the stores here so I could try this. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Don't know where you live, but Kroger usually has it

    2. Not sure where you live but in the South you can get it a Publix.

  2. Your pie was very good and I'm glad I was the one to share it with you. I'm up for a sample next year too:-)

  3. I love rhubarb pie and living up North you could find it very easily. However, now living in Houston, you can't find it anywhere and the cost in the store is $6 or more a lb. The one thing I do is use tapioca for the thickening agent instead of flour. It seems to do a better job for setting up fruit pies. Or you could do a tbsp. of each. Yum!

  4. My Grandma taught me to add a couple teaspoons of pearl tapioca on top of all fruit pies before you add the top crust so they do not bubble over in you oven. I have to say it mixed with the juice from the fruit and makes so thick and flavorful. Try it next time and it will be perfect. I am going to make this next weekend. Thanks for sharing.

  5. Thanks Linda, I will try that!
