
Monday's with mom....Cinnamon French Toast

Most Sundays I like to make a brunch after church. We love breakfast type foods! Eggs..bacon...pancakes...they are all SO good!

 I used to make a big meal with some type of meat and mashed potatoes and gravy EVERY SUNDAY, complete with several sides and a dessert. But with just the two of us, we don't really need that much heavy food. I guess I always had big Sunday dinners because that's what my mom always did. Her specialty was roast beef..she browned it in her cast iron skillet and finished it in the oven. It always just fell apart. And her was just the best! I can never seem to make it like she did.

One of my brunch favorites to make is french toast. My mom used to make it for me for breakfast before I ran off to school many mornings. She never measured much of anything and it always tasted perfect! One time I watched while she made it, and wrote down "about" what she used. It was one of the first things I learned to cook by myself. It's probably one of the first things everyone's so simple and easy. But I was so proud that I could make it myself!

Now days, I like to add some cinnamon and sugar, and I use real cream. Mom never used french bread either, just regular store bought. Either way, it's delicious! 

I usually serve this for brunch with fresh fruit and an egg bake. It makes two meals for us, as it reheats well in the microwave. I say, "usually" as sometimes its hard to limit Brent to just 2 pieces..he loves it! As soon as he smells the cinnamon.... he's headed to the table!

Cinnamon French Toast

4 eggs
1/4 c. cream (or milk)
1/2 tsp.vanilla
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 Tbsp. sugar
8 slices French bread

Beat the eggs, cream and vanilla. Mix the cinnamon and sugar and stir into the egg mixture. Dip the bread into the mixture and fry in butter until golden brown on both sides. Serve with more butter and maple syrup.

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  1. I love French Toast, but not when I make it. Yours look so good! Pinned!

  2. Same here with the big Sunday dinners, I always did it because Mom always did it, and my MIL also. Now, it's brunch here on Sunday and your French toast would be perfect for it. I like it with French bread too.

    Funny with you and the gravy. I mastered the gravy but have never been able to make mashed potatoes as good as mom did, don't get it, don't know why hers were always a huge hit!
    Thanks for sharing this.
