
Blueberry Bars....... Monday's with Mom


I haven't had much time to give my blog some love this past year so I'm going to try to remedy that. Now that we have moved back into our home, I won't be doing as much traveling back and forth anymore. Brent will still be commuting to work though, but for the most part I am now in one place!

 I SHOULD have more time for lots of cookin' and posting.... that's the plan anyway!

Several people have asked me for more Monday's with Mom posts, so I dug out some of her recipes. I came across tons of them that she had cut out from newspapers and magazines. The ones she had tried, she always put the date she made it and maybe a note beside it. I still do the same. I always mark every recipe, so my cookbooks are kind of a mess...especially my fave ones.

 I also have the habit mom taught me of planning every holiday meal to the tee....with a final copy of my recipes written out on an index card. I keep them all, dated by year, so I know what I have served the year before, and also if the dish was a keeper or not. Yes...I do try new recipes on holidays or even for entertaining....I try new recipes ALL the time. Nobody seems to mind...even if one is a flop! I know I should test them before.... but that seldom happens!

It's alot of fun to come across a note about a meal that my mom planned....brings back so many good memories. It's also fun to see her collections....I'll find several recipes using garden produce....then several with no-sugar...Christmas...etc. Now I know what she was up to all those long cold northern winters when I was growing up! She always sat at the kitchen table, the warmest place in the house, while Dad and I watched TV in the living room. She was cutting out recipes! And reading her Bible. She did alot of that too.

The Blueberry Bars she had made for a church potluck, and had marked it as a keeper. I don't ever remember trying it, and I had some fresh blueberries in the frig, so I gave it a go.

The verdict is .....she was right! It's a keeper. It's really not too sweet, which was what I was expecting, and it tastes especially great warm....with a dab of ice cream on top. I LOVE the hint of cinnamon.

Mom would be pleased to know I have followed her footsteps collecting recipes...and that her granddaughter does too. In fact, my daughter probably has the most recipes of all 3 of us and is one of the best bakers I know. That would make mom really happy too!

Blueberry Bars

1/2 c. sugar
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1 1/2 c. flour
pinch of salt
1/8 tsp. cinnamon

Mix together., and add:

1 stick butter
1 egg

Mix until crumbly, and pat half the mix into a 9" greased pan.

Mix in another bowl:

2 c. blueberries
1/4 c. sugar
1 1/2 tsp. cornstarch

Pour on top of  the crumb in the pan, and then sprinkle the rest of the reserved crumb mixture on top. Bake at 350 for 40 to 45 min. until lightly browned. 


  1. My cookbooks are the same way, I mark them with how we all enjoyed them, has saved me many times from making another flop, lol! Your recipe sounds delicious.

  2. hi

    is the butter(melted) or room temperature????

  3. The butter can be just out of the frig...I mix it with my hands. You can leave it on the counter for awhile, but you do not want it too soft either, as it is used to make the crumb.
