
Chocolate Covered Cherries

One of my friends used to make chocolate covered cherries and bring them to work at the library every Christmas. I could hardly wait! Every year I would get a couple... tucked safely inside a baggie. Each delicious!

It's been so long since those days, and my friend is now gone. I was thinking about her the other day, and remembering her kindness, and how fun she was. She was always slipping a chocolate inside one of my made my day.  I have a couple of her recipes...her toffee is killer! I'll have to dig that out and give it a try too.

Chocolate Covered Cherries
55 Maraschino Cherries
3 Tbsp. butter, softened
3 Tbsp. light corn syrup
2 cups powdered sugar
1 lb. melting chocolate

Drain the cherries, and dry on paper towels. Mix the butter and corn syrup, add the powdered sugar and mix well. Take by teaspoon and roll around the cherry. Place on parchment lined cookie sheet. Continue with the rest. Chill until firm and dip in chocolate. Store in air tight container in a cool place. These take about a week or two for the filling inside to liquify. 

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