
Mondays with Mom...Peanut Butter Cookies

Mom always kept the cookie jar full with either chocolate chip, raisin rocks, molasses crinkles, or these....peanut butter cookies. Later on she often made cookies to keep in the freezer for when the grand kids came,too.

 But what I remember most was her baking cookies to bring to neighbors or friends. She often sent me with a plate full to someone who was sick, or living alone, or maybe a new family who moved to town.

I guess that's one reason why I like to bake too, it's so much fun to share!

This is an old fashioned recipe, complete with the familiar old criss cross marks made with a fork dipped in sugar. They are slightly crispy, with the middle a bit soft. I like to bake them until the bottoms are lightly browned, and just set in the middle.


Peanut Butter Cookies

3/4 c. peanut butter
1/2 c. Crisco
1 1/4 c. brown sugar
3 Tbsp. milk
1 Tbsp. vanilla
1 egg
1 3/4 c. flour
3/4 tsp. baking soda
3/4 tsp. salt
Mix the wet ingredients, then the dry. Add them together, stirring well. Roll into balls and flatten with a fork dipped in sugar. Bake at 350 for 5-10 minutes until done.


  1. We love peanut butter here. I have just a few of my last batch of peanut butter chocolate chip cookies left. My kids put peanut butter on everything :)

  2. Oh YUM. Who doesn't love peanut butter cookies! Your mom knew how to make happy neighbors. :-)

  3. I don't think it is possible to go wrong with PB cookies. YUM!!

  4. Laurie, your PB cookies look this classic!
    Hope you have a great week ahead :)

  5. Do you think I could make these with butter instead of Crisco? All the other peanut butter cookie recipes with butter I've tried have not come out well. Thanks!

  6. Leeanne, I usually use Crisco when called for in cookies, sometimes butter makes them spread.
