
Crock Pot Beef for Enchiladas

I love my slow cookers! I have 3 sizes and I keep them all in use throughout the month for various size recipes. 
I have a large one for turkey breasts and larger items, then the regular size I use the most, and a smaller one great for dips and dipping chocolate.  Now I added an Instapot to my kitchen and am trying out various recipes in that. (Today I made hard boiled a game changer for me. I'll be posting more about that another day.)

These enchiladas are just a simple recipe most of you may already make in some variation I'm guessing, but it's so good I decided to post it! 

(this photo is half a recipe)

Crock pot beef for Enchiladas

1 package stew meat or small roast cut in chunks
1 (10 oz)can enchilada sauce
1 (4 oz) can green chilies
Cook on low 6 to 8 hours. Shred and use as desired.

Beef Enchiladas

1 package  8" Tortillas
1 (10 oz) can enchilada sauce (may have some leftover)
 shredded cheddar cheese (as much as you like and any kind you like)
Sour cream and salsa for garnish

Place a spoon full of the beef mixture into tortilla shells, sprinkle with cheese and roll up. Pour some of the enchilada sauce into a 9 x 13 pan. Place the rolled tortillas on top. Pour some more of the sauce on top and add more cheese over all. Bake at 350 for about 20 to 30 minutes until heated through and cheese is melted. I often cover with foil for the first 15 minutes, then uncover for the rest.

How many enchiladas you get depend on how much beef and cheese you stuff them with. You can also add black beans, rice etc.( I make just half a pan one day for the 2 of us and then the other half the next day)

1 comment:

  1. That looks delicious and I will be trying this recipe soon. Thank you for sharing!
