
Tator Tot Taco Hotdish

Yum! I love a good casserole and around here you often see the old standby...Tatortot hotdish served at various functions. You can even buy a dish shaped for the state...Minnesota...comes with the recipe included!
But this one changes it up a bit. Instead of the cream soup...add a can of fiesta nacho cheese soup. And after browning the burger... add taco seasoning.
I often add a dab of sour cream and some chopped cilantro on top.
Great comfort food for these long cold winter days!
Taco tatortot hotdish
1 pound lean burger
1 pack taco seasoning ( or to taste...I add half the packet)
1 can fiesta nacho cheese soup.
1 can corn, drained
3/4 bag or so of tator tots
4 oz. Or of Cheddar cheese, shredded
Brown the burger. Drain off the fat. Add taco seasoning and 1/4 cup water. Add the soup and corn.
Pour the mixture into a greased 8 x 11 casserole. Top with as many tator tots as you can fit in a single layer.