
Coconut Oil Chocolate Chip Cookies..pinned it and tried it

One of my friends was telling me about how she had made cookies with coconut oil, and thought they were really good. I guess its supposed to be a healthy, good for you oil.  I was skeptical, but when I saw some on Pinterest, they looked pretty good. 

SO I pinned them and tried them!

We really liked them. I kind of expected to taste coconut, but I couldn't. They tasted pretty much like regular cookies, with a great texture and buttery taste. I was pleasantly surprised. Although, I do love coconut flavor, so if they did taste like it, I would have loved it.

I guess I'll do a little more research on baking and cooking with coconut oil, and try out a few more recipes!

Coconut Oil Chocolate Chip Cookies

1/2 c. coconut oil, room temp
1/2. brown sugar
1/4 c. sugar
1 egg
 1 tsp. vanilla
1/2 tsp. baking powder
1/2 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. salt
1 1/2 c. flour
3/4 c. chocolate chips

Cream the coconut oil and sugars until light and fluffy. Add the egg and vanilla and beat well. Add the dry ingredients and stir in the chocolate chips. Bake at 350 for about 9 minutes, just until the edges start to turn light brown.


  1. Such a great idea, "pinned it and tried it". There are SO many things I pin and never try. I have also never tried coconut oil. Going to have to give it a try. They look delicious!

  2. So there are two kinds of coconut oil, right? One that is like veggie oil consistency and one that is like Crisco shortening consistency...right?!?! Would it matter which one I use, I wonder? I am no baker or cooker for that matter, but your blog ALWAYS makes me want to try to bake and/or cook! Thanks in advance for your blog and HELP!

  3. I used the coconut oil that is like a lard, not liquid. You can see the jar in the picture.

    I think you can just melt it to use as a liquid, but I have never tried it..yet anyway!

  4. I used the coconut oil that is like a lard, not liquid. You can see the jar in the picture.

    I think you can just melt it to use as a liquid, but I have never tried it..yet anyway!

  5. I used the coconut oil that is like a lard, not liquid. You can see the jar in the picture.

    I think you can just melt it to use as a liquid, but I have never tried it..yet anyway!

  6. The label on one of my jars of coconut oil says the it is liquid above 76 degrees and solid below. There are basically 2 types: cold-pressed, unrefined which tastes like coconut; and refined which does not. Pretty much flavorless.

    So, you must have used the refined. I use the different ones if I want to taste the coconut or not.

    Hope that helps!

    I'm Laurie too! :)
