Grissini...or rolls?

This recipe didn't turn out the way I had expected. Don't get me wrong, they were good, delicious in fact but definitely not "crunchy" like they were supposed to be. You can read about them here.

The recipe went together nicely and they were easy to twist. I think I didn't make them thin enough or bake them long enough, though.  Mine were soft like a roll, and really tasted awesome with some almond icing drizzled on top!


Unknown said...

mmmm, crunchy, soft, whatever...they look delicious!

Chef Bee said...

Look too delicious to worry about crunchy or not. Thanks for sharing.

Plan B

Von said...

I thought they were cinnamon rolls but shaped in a different way.....It looks really yummy though!

Katerina said...

I think my husband would appreciate them a lot. He always complain I make such things too crunchy for him.

Anonymous said...

Those look delicious! I've never heard of grissini. Going to have to google that.